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Elephant & Cactus

About us - Elephant & Cactus

Who is Elephant & Cactus?

In a world of buzzing smartphones, our goal is to connect people with the natural world.

This company is:


London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2019

Products & services of Elephant & Cactus

Product Rubber Plant - Elephant & Cactus image


Rubber Plant - Elephant & Cactus

Ficus elastica, commonly known as ‘rubber plant’, has perky dark green leaves that will add a touch of drama to any space.

Product Curved Clay Pot - Light Grey - Elephant & Cactus image


Curved Clay Pot - Light Grey - Elephant & Cactus

We love the minimalist design and durable material of these pots.  Dimensions: Internal Diameter: 13cm; Height 14cm. Material: Fibreclay. Available in multiple sizes. Plant not included.

Product Pink and Orange Striped Sisal Basket | Handmade Kenyan Basket - Elephant & Cactus image


Pink and Orange Striped Sisal Basket | Handmade Kenyan Basket - Elephant & Cactus

These baskets are a great way to merge your love for home decor and plant-care and add a touch of colour to your home. They are handmade by a self help group of lady weavers in a remote rural village in Kenya using sisal and banana tree bark fiber, which is stripped, dried in the sun & split into finer strands befo

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Commerce and Shopping

Contact of Elephant & Cactus

City: London

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Elephant & Cactus

The company Elephant & Cactus is located in London, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Elephant & Cactus has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Elephant & Cactus was founded in 2019

The company Elephant & Cactus has it's main focus in the industries of Commerce and Shopping